"Les amours de Victor Bonsenne"
p.407, Jésuites
[President Peres knows that real independence
is one which allows us not just to do, but also to dream]
[Peres. 'The most courageous and important president we've ever had']
more from Joseph, 2010, 06
There is a sense of urgency detected that the Moabite agenda is moving to a seriously confrontational point with the USA and the American citizen.
Wikileaks released a tape showing the brazen and open murder of innocent Iraqi civilians including shooting children in 2007 by US troops.
I heard Mike Rivero today on Alex Jones (I had no idea he appeared monthly). He's a good guy who has put lots of efforts into his website over the past decade for little reward except to help our nation.
So I listened to what he had to say and I know a lot about the points he made concerning the US presence with the drug business.
During the 90s I heard from a first class highly reliable source that Bush 41 was deep into the drug trade run via the CIA. In fact, they went after the person I heard him from and scared him near to death.
The point is that while everyone is coming to know that those leading us are all crooks, they have to really know and tell people who these crooks are: to wit those with the German Japanese axis in WWII.
Listen, you have no idea how close those Moabites came to conquering the USA from within decades ago: but G-d intervened as He intervened against the German Japanese axis in WWII.
The Moabites feel as per channeled discussions formerly covered that Israel and even the USA people have turned their back on G-d sufficiently for them to undermine both nations.
It was clear how well they were doing in Israel and now for the first time it is very clear how well they are moving right here in the USA.
They have won on so many levels and dimensions that I do not intend to rehash it but to say that it is really important that people have a handle on the enemy within. Without it, the American people remain blind or in denial. Once they know, people can start connecting the dots, and that is what those opposed to the fascists must do to serve the USA to wit explain that we have been conquered and by whom.
Thus, they will understand that the troops have been hijacked and prepared to enter into the service of Homeland Security at least those expressing no problem with killing US citizens in the same drugged up frenzy seen in the wikileaks video referenced above.
I have been asking myself why and how it came to be released but it just demoralizes Americans as has the Catholic Church Catholics.
The Moabites are our enemies and they are a smart enemy. Why expend any effort when they can manipulate the reality of we killing off ourselves as they have created such conflict between Arab and Jew in the Middle East for so long. As long as people do not see those not really their enemy as their enemy, they are in the clear.
My purpose is to say don't be my enemy because I am not yours but if you are looking for an enemy look here and look at what they have done and to what you have stupidly succumbed.
I have tried so hard but I do believe that my message got to China, Iran and Israel. If so, then my life has had important value and I will know it if I see them combine to deal with the true enemy of man.
I am coming off the Passover holiday which a special holiday and I have gone through a rough time receiving messages that to me appear very important. There is little question that we are entering a very dangerous time and tomorrow will increasingly no longer resemble today as it has already moved in that direction.
I seem to have a lot to say.
I trust you might value in this set of emails.
Joseph B. Ehrlich
Sender, Berl & Sons Inc.
As I always said, understand the Moabites, their agenda, their thinking AND EVERYTHING MAKES SENSE.
Obama is far worse that Bill Clinton. He is a deep level sociopath hand picked by the Moabites and thinks of only himself and thus his Obamacare victory gave him what he wanted and damn the USA and I feel positive that he cares little to nothing for the USA.
This effort by the Moabites to eliminate the nuclear threat includes the above. Remember remember and remember that the Moabites do not care one iota if the USA, Great Britain, Russia and China get nuked. I was so on target when I closed the Internet site at the end of 2004 by highlighting the Moabite hope that the US China and Russia would intertwine themselves in a war where all three would blow each other up. Nothing could make them happier than that.
The hidden truths behind Obama are as severe as those hidden regarding the Bush family but the joke to the Moabites is that the Bush German/Japanese alliance is known by some and yet everyone refutes believing it or lives in denial of same. Thus they march on to eviscerate the USA and the Moabites believe (because this is how the Moabites think) that G-d has turned His back on us since we just went along with the Sodomite lifestyle which today impacts the children and the environment.
I understand their thinking. It is the same held by them prior to the Assyrian invasion of Israel.
Joseph B. Ehrlich
Sender, Berl & Sons Inc.
PS. Many group members had Obama's number all along. Now articles such as the one below including continuing questions about the legitimacy of his holding office, means that the Moabites to their pleasure or perhaps contrary to their pleasure will bring things to a head.
Will Bush finally announce as I always sensed he was one day wanting to do that 9-11 was an inside job (claiming that it was as per Pearl Harbor for the best interests of the nation and there won't be anyone to say a word against him or the government about it -- because the prison camps finally will open for business).
Burn the following truths of your enslavement into your minds...
Say you make $1,000,000 a year.
You are a slave.
Say you make less than $1,000,000 per year.
You are a peon (a poor slave).
You see a number of those on sports teams etc make 40 million or so dollars a year. If they are workers, and make that kind of money, what type of money is made by those owning the sports franchises?
Bill Clinton is an important vehicle to understand what I want to tell you.
After he corrupted himself fully and freely for the Moabite leadership, he was given lots of money. Or so he thought. Then he came to understand the true wealth and power of the elitist centrix (highlighted in Recapturing America).
Recently, even when not that well medically he was down in Haiti. Bill Clinton found out that under the cover of "caring" that the elitist centrix, whom allowed him the insight and opportunity, one could get in on the ground floor of owning and controlling infrastructure (basic essential services) which is what the elitist centrix ALWAYS want to own and control.
It is not absolute numbers that count, but what essential services you own and control.
Thus, I always highlighted to you that the Bush family, one of the public portals to the true elitist centrix, had their money in Japan.
Japan after WWII had to be rebuilt. Japan was aligned with the Moabite leadership as per the German Japanese axis in WWII.
US money via Marshal plan etc. was directed to rebuilding Japan where those elitists on top got their greedy grip on Japanese infrastructure (via the major Japanese trading houses).
Thus to illustrate the point, Bill Clinton for his good deeds for the Moabites, is able today to grab a piece of global infrastructure in Haiti (as per whomever intended to grab it post Katrina in Louisiana). All catastrophes and all wars etc. are opportunities for the Moabites whom just want to make sure they avoid nuclear war since nuclear war impacts real property (one that interferes with their ownership and control).
So Bill Clinton found out that even those who run the money for the elitist centrix whom themselves make hundreds of millions to billions of dollars a year FOR THEIR CRIMES FOR THE ELITIST CENTRIX IN STEALING OUR WEALTH THROUGH "LEGITIMATE" FIXED AVENUES are really also themselves outside the pale of the true elitist centrix (which he was given the OK to join).
Thus, Hillary shows the strain of the truths she has become aware regarding, how Bill screwed her again, from the elitist centrix allowing him to enter their pale and showing him the true way the Moabites think and operate (which I am highlighting to you).
Thus, he understands how Obama is nothing different than one of the guys who runs the Moabite money, with guaranteed riches, extracting by collusion, the wealth of the nation AND THE WORLD.
You see to join the elitist centrix you must join those following the Sodomite model: the Sodomites were very successful and were destined to run things and the manner they ran things was both cruel and evil: just as the elitist centrix are currently doing today.
Thus, you should really appreciate the remorse held by forefather Abraham when he went to the Mount to sacrifice Isaac: that G-d knew exactly what He was doing when he set out to destroy Sodom and sister cities of such evil (everyone in Sodom and sister cities).
Thus, since the elitist centrix has set up an entire network and schematic to keep sucking up the wealth created by your labor, you are a slave de facto regardless of how much you make or how hard you work: in other words, you are working full time for those whom have enslaved you to work for their benefit, some slaves better off as always the case as well in history than others.
Working hard knowing that you do not keep but a fraction of the benefit and wealth created from your efforts is the understanding slaves have to accept. The Moabites are making it increasingly difficult to extract oneself since they are now making laws COMPELLING you to do this and that, just as a taskmaster in past history was at times more cruel than the one whom preceded him.
The Moabites really believe they deserve what they have achieved because they are the winners, the handful of winners, in the sea of losers about them.
Your freedom comes from knowing and understanding what I have told you. When others one day come to fully understand it (why the Moabites really want to dumb down the world) there will be revolution and in today's environment the truth dependent on G-d's will can be quickly known and understood and reacted to.
However, the answer is as per Sodom and sister cities is G-d and His willingness to intervene for us with us possibly one today I pray appreciating Him and seeing the good is everything He does for us AND HAS DONE FOR US. He does have infinite patience and mercy and He does not want darkness to prevail as it now has again in a major way debasing Him and His efforts for us.
When the world and our nation and your life is CONTROLLED by evil (those following the Sodomite lifestyle and system of values) your life and those lives of those that follow you are destined to be MISERABLE (as is already becoming obviously evident today).
If you make $1,000,000 a year you only fool yourself into thinking that you are different than those making far less than you. Your life, the lives of your own family, your future and their future are in the hands of those making you see yourself as a success because it many, a majority of instances, those that make that kind of money and more have to prostitute themselves to the Sodomite modal (including accepting same sex marriages).
They have a entire generation today aspiring to making more crumbs than their fellow slaves. Wealth is in knowing G-d and seeing His modal prevail in the environment about you. Otherwise, the world and your environment will turn very dark and ugly (even far more dark than the one today) and you will suffocate because the Moabites will deny you any light at all (highlighted when they implement the depopulation paradigm).
We are all stuck in quicksand.
I assume at this point of our relationship you know the answers to extracting ourselves from it.
Joseph B. Ehrlich
Sender, Berl & Sons Inc.
PS. For those who ask whether history always indicates a ruling class as an inevitable reality for all of us, the answer is as follows. Whom do you want running the ruling class then? Abraham or Lot. One represents a world aligned with G-d and light and the other with Sodom and darkness. What values do you want children to hold? From the light or from the darkness (as the case today with the silence of the adults of this generation, a sin for all time).There is always leadership and a wealthier class but what values do they represent and hold. Do they live to give or just live to take? Always also remember that those who are the takers under the pale of darkness plan to take your life soon enough and those of your family. Hard to believe? I think these days easier to believe than those who during WWII rejected the notion of death camps.
The Moabites wanted America to put itself in the toilet and it has BUT FOR the fact that the rest of the world seems to know what happened to America (perhaps they read Recapturing America and even better Clarity By Joseph Ehrlich).
However, what I am offering per the article below is that WHAT SHOULD BE SAID when US interference is alleged is that the person speaking, whomever it is, should ADD that this US interference is not limited to this nation but is endemic to the USA itself.
Yep, if one wants to be effective, he has to bring it back home and say it in a forum where the message bounces back to the American people. If those purporting to be patriots do their job and tell the American people they are conquered and by whom (and they can easily prove it per US industry and the American automobile industry -- yes, Moabites you were smart to let Ford live), then the American people would start thinking that perhaps WWII did not end and those whom were thought vanquished came back to take the victory.
I listened to Mike Rivero on Alex Jones and he highlighted something we covered long ago: how American military is acting not very different than the Nazis in WWII in dealings in both Iraq and Afghanistan.
The Moabites love it because they just a little while ago had Israel acting the same until someone finally in Israel woke up as to what was going on, helping them establish whom they were really dealing with.
The Moabites follow a certain line of thinking very special to the Moabites and one has to understand it to connect the dots. They want to show G-d (remember they know He exists) that those G-d favored and blessed and those He wanted to keep while discarding them are the same if not worse (they contend) than they are. So they keep pressing this reality for G-d not only for Him to turn His back on us but to give it to G-d as Cain did when he murdered his brother Abel (see Quantum Legacies of the Bible).
Thus, I always knew they wanted to have AmericanS face hyperinflation because otherwise they want everyone to suffer as they did when they caught with it post WWI which humiliated them big time.
They are cruel and repayment with cruelty is part of the Sodomite modal. These are the Moabites, just imagine how bad the Sodomites would have been through history.
Playing Monday morning quarterback, Abraham should have said thank you to G-d right out of the gate, but of course he was blind to what G-d knew, but the point (to Israel today) is you have to have blind unabated trust in G-d. Period.
[link to www.moneyteachers.org]
America's Nuclear Nazis
And The Radiation State
By Amy Worthington
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