The Green Elite False Prophets

There are numerous sites on the web that are doing a tremendous research on natural health and the dangers of industrial products. They indeed offer a wide range of solutions and they look like being very proud of it. Great isn’t ? They all have bright smiles, good looking faces, trustful looks. I linked to some of them in my previous blog because they provide definitely valuable informations. Naturalnews, Greenmed, Mercola, Farmwars among all the others I don't know of.

What strikes me is that, in a way, they are not that different from the bad guys who run big pharma, law offices, government bodies and so on: they are proud, so proud of themselves, with good reasons one would say, oh ! yes, I don't deny it. But they show so much vanity just like the others, they love so much who they are, if ever they truly know, and in the end, they represent a small restricted club with passwords, mail lists exactly as their Skull & Bones opposite.

Please don't believe I spit in the soup. But the fact is, they are the good elite versus the bad one, they cheer each other and don't reach the masses, not at all. Since ten years or so I daily connect to many of these sites, I have seen ten thousands of good advises, lectures' ads, back patting but not one simple concrete idea to work simply and efficiently together in order to promote their good values right to the street. Sad ? They advertise their cleverness only to keep it to themselves and the 'elected' individuals, the 'born again' people who dare curb the neck under their science and become enlightened sheep instead of the shadow fellows they were before.

They are not what they pretend to be and we, the masses, should not believe that they will lead to any major change sooner or later. Like Greenpeace and other fake green proponents, they are only an exhaust valve for selected intelligent people who are afraid for their own skin and don't want to get sick before others. Meanwhile, big players grow up day after day, the hospitals and prisons fill up all the time, more and more of us are thrown into the street, young people don't have work, or at least jobs where they can behave as human beings ... (related: "Enviromentalists" Discuss Carbon, Not Chemtrails", "Whose Economy ? Whose Green ?", "For a long time, forming partnerships with polluters was how the green groups proved they were serious")

Today was the Shoah/Holocaust day here in Israel. My youngest daughter asked me what I think about it. My answer was simple: like all of remembrance days of the kind, this one is meant to make the masses feel angry about the past and be compliant with their daily lives. Blame the dictators that are no more and don't even suppose that today may be worse if only you'd open your eyes. She perfectly understood because she has just left a job where she was not a lot more than a slave, working between 10/12 hours, 6 days a week, in a basement with no windows for 7$ an hour, in a Jerusalem 5 star hotel, despite she's a qualified pastry cook with a French diploma and experience.

And this is "the west", so, what to say of the majority of people on earth in Asia, Africa, and elsewhere who don't live on 1$ a day, often with no running water, no electricity, bad food, bad housing, bad clothes and so on ?? These are real slaves, from China to India, North Korea, Afghanistan, most of Africa ... Well, I for myself don't have a smiling face, I don't pat myself on the back for the reasoning I have the chance to be able to develop because I do know that as long as something is not done worldwide for the masses, something effective, game changing once and for all, I walk to my last hour with a heavy burden in the heart, no matter what my personal life is about, no matter the achievements I can get for me and my loved ones.

Those enlightened green people don't even have the slightest idea of fighting the real fight. They are good at what they do just like a weapon scientist is with the only small difference that they work for life and the other for death. Big difference you may say ! Yes, sure folks !! And to what avail ? Just asking !!! I had what I think is a bright idea yesterday to manufacture small stickers you and I would stick directly on products in the shelves of supermarkets as a warning of the dangerous ingredients they contain to do a really good and fast action to provide general awareness for the public  and I sent the article to numerous sites, with no answer, as usual … Enter their club or get lost.

As I said before, sweet dreams in the 'land of the free' ... but don't ever rely on me to share them.


"Thanks for your report on Mike Adams and his website and his ‘entrepeneurship’ and your own experience with him.
The fact that Adams calls himself ‘Health Ranger’ offers a clue as to how he regards himself, ie., as quite knowing, superior, and capable of policing others, although I imagine he thinks of it as ‘guarding’ others. This is the way they operate, the dealers and manipulators who appear friendly and helpful to the unkeen eye. I do not like his method or style at all and never really read anything he has to say. I certainly do not spend any time on his website."

1st comment from 'nedlud'

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